Pe o strada cu nume de poveste, Sipotul Fantanilor, intr-un imobil deosebit, ce a fost construit pentru o institutie a statului si din 1974 a devenit imobil de locuinte, cu o terasa cu vedere la teii ce duc spre intrarea in Cismigiu, va invitam sa descoperiti un apartament ce asteapta cuminte sa apara persoana potrivita pentru a ii readuce farmecul. La schimb de generatii, veti fi incantati de camerele mari, cu toate elementele originale pastrate, de un balcon administrativ, foarte bun in cazul locuintelor mari, ce necesita multe spatii de depozitare, de terasa unde puteti petrece timp cel putin 6 luni pe an, dar si de impartirea foarte versatila, in functie de functiunile pe care doriti sa le dati fiecarei camere. Un vis ce se poate transforma in realitate, la intrarea in parc! Haideti sa vedeti!
On a street with a legendary name, Sipotul Fantanilor, in a special building, which was built for a state institution and since 1974 became a residential building, with a terrace overlooking the linden trees that lead to the entrance to Cismigiu, you will we invite you to discover an apartment that is waiting for the right person to appear to restore its charm. At the exchange of generations, you will be delighted by the large rooms, with all the original elements preserved, by an administrative balcony, very good in the case of large houses, which require a lot of storage space, by the terrace where you can spend time at least 6 months a year, but also the very versatile division, depending on the functions you want to give to each room. A dream that can turn into reality, at the entrance to the park! Let's see!